The LED panels are assembled with many accessories. LED display accessories include various components designed to optimize performance, ensure durability, and reduce user interaction. Due to their importance in the continuous evolution of visual communication, accessories increase the panel's ability to improve performance, interaction, and longevity.
LED Foam Guard Pro: Protective packaging foam system for LED modules, screen panels, and picture frames, USPTO patent pending
LED mask: An important component in LED display technology, designed to increase LED panels' performance and durability.
Vacuum suction tool: This tool, along with the electric front service, LED screen, and module collector tool, can remove and replace the spare LED modular tile on your compatible display.
LED display power supply: The performance of the LED video wall is influenced by the stability and performance of the power supply, which is available in different types of models. Each model has different requirements, and the power of the unit board defines the required power supply for the LED panel.
LED display box: According to the box size, multiple panels form a box, and multiple panels are assembled into one LED display. The box is professionally made, including a simple and waterproof box.
Protective housings and mounts: Protective housings and mounts protect the delicate electronic components of LED displays from environmental factors while providing stability and ease of installation.
LED display module: An LED module consists of a kit, bottom shell, mask, etc. The large LED screen we see now comprises LED modules. Integrating interactive elements such as touch screens and sensors represents a significant advance in LED display technology.
LED display control system: The control system is integral to the LED display. The video is transmitted to the receiver card of the LED display through the sending card and the graphics card. Then, the receiving card sends the signal to the hub board in parts: an adapter board is installed on the receiving card, and the receiving card receives the information. It transmits to the adapter board, then the information on the adapter board is transmitted to the single row or single column LED display module of the LED display box through the cable arrangement, and then the data between the LED module and the LED module is also transmitted through the connected cable arrangement. In general, an adapter board only has 8 power sockets, which means that an adapter board can only manage the data transfer of 8 rows or 8 columns of LED modules.
If more rows or columns exist, an adapter board can be added to the receiver card. The receiving algorithm of the indoor LED screen differs from that of the outdoor LED screen because the indoor and outdoor screens have different pixel points and scanning modes. Therefore, the LED receiving card is different. LED display control and troubleshooting are mainly related to the LED display control system.